On another note, when it comes to email, please do not soley rely on email when it comes to booking a session. If you've not heard back from me, then my email went to your junk folder or spam box. Email is convenient, but not always reliable. I will ALWAYS reply to every one's email. I try my best to call everyone back within 48 hours of leaving a voicemail. I will be returning all calls from Friday and today...tomorrow.
I am really good with email, check it numerous times a day and usually reply right away...if I receive it. Also, I've had to increase my security settings on my email because I am tired of being bombarded with spam. It's also a possibility that your email is not being downloaded because my filter believes it's spam. If you don't get a reply back...just call, it's so much easier and 100% reliable.
Okay enough babbling...here's twinkle eyes:

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